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                                             The Message Of Islam

2016 How to send Copyright Claims to Hosting Provider????????????

                          2016 How To send Copyright Claims to Hosting Provider ?? 2016 Blog  On The Internet You Own What You Create with Your Own Efforts If You Create a Video With Your Camera Image Or Mobile Phone That Becomes Your Content And Are The Owner of  That In Other Example if You Create a Software Or Tools Then You are The Copyright  Holder of That And In Very Basic And Simply Example If You Write A Blog Post OR Article For Your Websitr That Becmes Your Property So No One Can Repubilsh Or Resell Your  Content With out Your Permission However Many People Do It And So You ll Have To Take Cre of it In This Article I,llGuide You On Reporting  Infringed Content Copied Content To The Concered Web Hosting Copany So They Can Take It Down 2016 The Fist Thing You Can Do is To Find The Content Which has Been Copied By Someone And He She Hos Pubilshed it on Their Blog With Out Your Permission You Can Use Some Tools For Checking Duplicate Duplicate Copies of Your Con

How I Made One Crore in One Year Just By Teaching Online 2016

How i Made One Crore In One Year Just By Teaching Online 2016 When  i Look Back at Days 2016 When I Used To Be Biryani Seller At A Bus Stop In  Town Ship  Sukkur Who Has Never Been To School College Or University I Feel  Like it,s a Dream And I,m Still Imagining in The Dream That Someday I,ll Be Doing  Something Different But Luckily It S a Fact Now The Dream Has Alreaday Come True  A Few Years Ago Thanks To The Internet & Google But I Have To Share Something  Special Today The Reason I,M Writing This Post And Publishing it on My Blog is That  i Have made Is One Crore in One Year Just By Teaching Online In 2016 Below You ll Read And Watch how I Made one Year and If You Are Also Interested in The Struggles BeHind This One Crore Story Then Do Read The Rest Of The Artivle One Crore is in How i Made One Crore In One Year In 2016 By Saying  Teaching Online it Simply Means Selling Courses Online And Yes L,ve Made One Crore In One Year In 2

How To Receive a Wire Transfer in PAKISTAN 2016

How to Receive a Wire Transfer in Pakistan 2016 Paypal is Something But its Not Everything There Are Many international Payment  Options Out There For pakistan Users If  Ever Wanted to Get a Payment From An  Online Company The You Can Use Several Options Receive Your Payment Such As Payoneer in Pakistan And Payment Methods Explained Hare Be Today I,ll Be Telling You a Different Story Which is How To Get Your Payment Via Wire Trnsfer in Pakistan Just Within 5 Working Days What,s Wire Transfer? 2016 Instead Of Telling You Myself About What,s Wire Transfer I,m Quoting the Wikipedia.s Explanation  on This here so Yes Its That Simply Thing Any Bank From Anywhere in the World Can send You A Wire Transfer And as i mentioned in The Fist Paragraph You Receive  it Withins 5 Working Days In Pakistan in 2016  How it Works? in Pakistan 2016 I Recently Has To Receeive a Wire Transfer From One of The Us Banks I wanted to Receive it in My UBL Bank Account Which is Just   

Php pdo work Urdu 2016

Php pdo Turorials in 2016 in Urdu 2016 if You Are Using The Traditional Mysql_Connect Or Mysqil Or Mysqil_connnect Method for Database Connection Then its Time To Move Either to Oop ( Object Oriented Programming ) or PDO (PHP Data Object) Upon Requests By My Web Development Students I le Taken Time to  Create Some Video Tutorials On pdo in Urdu-Hindi in The Near future i ll Create More Tutorials On Web Development  and Especially on Php    What,s Pdo 2016 In simple Words  PDO Stands For Php Date Object and its an Extension To Formalise Php,s Database Connections By Creating a Uniform Interface You can also Say it an Object  Included In Core Ilbraies of Php pdo Can Be Used To Connect Many  Database Mangement Srvers Such as SQL Lite Oracle And Microsoft Sql Server   PHP PDO Tutorials in 2016 urdu In This Video Tutorial Series You,ll Learn All The Basic Usage Of Pdo In Php You ll learn Creating Database Connection in Php And Then I ll Teach You The Following

How to Search Keyword Research Tools 2016

How to Search Keyword Research Tools in 2016 With The Passage Of Time Google Has Made it Quite Tough for The Blog To Get Ranked Better These Days So Many Rules And Strategies Have To Be Kept in Mind Including      Proper Use Of Keyword Well Engaged Content Domain Name Marketin as Well as        Appropriate On Page Seo Without All These Things We Can Not Even Imageine Of Getting Out Blog And Website Ranked Higher in The Search Engines Therefore The Fist Thing  We Need To Do is Keyword Research And Here im Going To Share Top Four Keyword Research Tools With You                                        Top Seo Keyword Tools In Lost Date 04-04-2016 To Make The Keyword Research Easier Fir The Seo,s Plenty Of Free Tools Are Available What You Have To Do is To Insert Your Desired Keyword Idea to Get Relevant Suggestions With An Automatic Keyword  Research System If You Are  a Little Confused Of Which Seo Keyword Research Tools Would Be Best Appropriate Then Here So

How To Protect Your Facebook Account Hackers

How To Protect Your Facebook Account Hackers Recently i Saw My  Main Facbook Account Was Attacked By Someone He-She Did Not Fully Hacked The Account But Somehow Managet To put it On Recovery Mode Whan I Logged Into Facebook The Next Day Facebook Asked Me For Some Verfication And i Was Able to Get The Account Back To Normal And I Took Some Extra Steps To Secure The Account From Any Future Attacks I,ii Share a Few Simple Tips With You In Order To protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers Why Do We Need To protect Our Account  2016 Hackers Have Very Less Chance To Harm You Financially By Compromising your Facebook account if You Are Not Using Any Paid Services From facebook Such as Facebook ads but As Know all Of  Us Have Very personal Data And Emotions on  Facebook i e Messages chat Mobile No Email Address Pages Groups And Much More  informative  We Have On Facebook Hacker Will get Access to That Infromation and Can Potentiaially  Damage Your Reputatio