How To Protect Your Facebook Account Hackers

How To Protect Your Facebook Account Hackers

Recently i Saw My  Main Facbook Account Was Attacked By Someone He-She Did Not
Fully Hacked The Account But Somehow Managet To put it On Recovery Mode Whan I
Logged Into Facebook The Next Day Facebook Asked Me For Some Verfication And i Was
Able to Get The Account Back To Normal And I Took Some Extra Steps To Secure The Account From Any Future Attacks I,ii Share a Few Simple Tips With You In Order To protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers

Why Do We Need To protect Our Account  2016

Hackers Have Very Less Chance To Harm You Financially By Compromising your
Facebook account if You Are Not Using Any Paid Services From facebook Such as
Facebook ads but As Know all Of  Us Have Very personal Data And Emotions on 
Facebook i e Messages chat Mobile No Email Address Pages Groups And Much More 
informative We Have On Facebook Hacker Will get Access to That Infromation and Can
Potentiaially  Damage Your Reputation By Posting Something Against Your Personality
All Cases We Should Protect Our Account from Being Compromised

Basic Security Tips For Facebook Account 2016

There Are A Few Basic Things You Need To Do In Order To keep Your Account Away From
Hackers And These Basic Steps Are Mandatory For Every new And Exising Account on
Facebook These Basic Security Measures Will Secure Your Account From a Baby Hacker
Who is Just trying Ti Do Sometthing Fir Fun 

Use a Strong Password 

To Make Sure You Get Access Back To Your Account If  Something Goes Wrong You Must
Add Your mobile Number to Your Facebook Account And verify it When You Have 
Mobile Number Attached With Your Facebook Account You,ll Always Get an Sms From 
Facebook According To The Situation iin order To Add Your Mobile Number Please Go To
Setting And Then On The Left Side You.ll See Mobile Click That And Your Mobile Number


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