CEO Search Engine Optimization 

  1. When it comes to CEO-Search-Engine-Optimization Everyone is looking for new Tips
  2. & Real Techniques to Improve Their Overall Search Engines Ranking and Particularly
  3. Ranking In Google form a marketing Prospective Seo is Still Alive And Will Be Forever
  4. Because Search Engines Mostly Rely on The Content Published by Authors -blogspot&
  5. Companies However There Are New Algorithm Updates Every Another day Released by
  6. Major Search Enginges Such as Google Which Makes The Smail Business owners       &
  7. Blogspots Unhappy Because They Have To Slightly Change Their SEO Strategies as per 
  8. The New Changes And Thus Many Blogspot-webmasters try Search for Updated          
  9. Tips-Techniques on The Internet So in This Regard Came Up With Top 5 Secret SEO ips
  10. Which can Help You Targeting YOur Goals Seo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Top 10 One Tips for SEO 2016 
So The is  The List of Top 10 Im Sharing With You On This Page These All Are For Getting
Organic Real Results From Google & others Search Engines Fist Of All I Recently Tried To
Implement These Tips MySelf And When I Got Better Results Then I Decided to Share Them
On My Blog And As You Know The New Year 2016 is Just Knocking The Doors So I Think
These Tips Will Work Best In 2016 And Afterwards Now Lets Move on To The Tips 

Tips #1- Update Your Content Regularly In 2016    

This is The number one Tips i can Give You Because it has Worked for Me Many Times
And Search Engines Also Highly Recommend You To Update Content in Accordance 
With The Current Date What i Mean By Uodating Content? i Simply  Mean Whenever
You Pubilsh Something On Your Blog in Shape of a Post-Article Few Days After
Publishing Go To That  Post-Articla Edit it And Add Some More Text-image or Video Etc
And Then Update it You II See Search Engines Bots Coming Back To Your Post And 
Crawling The Updated Version Of Your post It Work Great You II See Dramatic Boosts in
The Ranking Of That Particular Article-Post I Always Try To Update My Normal Posts In a
Period Of 2 months And Popular in # Months But I ll Recommend You To Update The 
New Post on Weekly Basis if You want To Get Quick Ranking From Search Engines And
This is All SEO Friendly & Original Thing To Go

Bonus Tips To Keep an Eye On The progress After Updating The Post-Articles Use a
Keyword Tracking Tool Such as Or

And To let The Search Engines Properly Know That You Have Updated Your Post-Posts
Use The Modified-date Or Updated Date (Meta) if You are Using Wordpress Then You can
Use This Plugin For Last Updated date Wp List Modified Date  

Tips #2----Include a Video In Your Post  2016

This is Another Great Strategy Worked For me And Can  Work For You Too I Recently
Experimented it on a Live Blog Post Fist Of All I Created a Video On Something Then I
Created A Blog Post With A Permalink & i Kept That In The Draft Mode However i
Uploaded The Video to & These 
Are Popualar video Sharing Site With Millions of Visitors Every Single Day I Added The 
Blog Post link To The Description Of The Video on all four places i Uploaded The
Video And I Also Mentioned in The Video About Visiting The blog Post if the person Wants 
to Go Full Information After Uploading The Video I published The Blog Post And This 
Worket Very Well In Getting Better Ranking In Plattforms & I got Many Visitors To The Post
Link Form a Single Video on Four Different and Having A Video in Blog Post Really Attracts 
Search Engine Bots To Give Extra Exposure to That Post Because Video Speaks Much Loudly Than Words 

Tip Again keep Tracing Your Keyword for That post So You May Know Whether its
Getting Improved or not 

Tips # 3  Create E-Book & Presentations 

SEO Today Has To Be Played On Real Ground And When  That,s Beeing Said You Have To
Be More Social More Natural & More Helpful If You Want To Really Improve Your 
Blog-site Ranking In A Real Orgainc Way Then tke Out Some time And Crate Some Free E
Books & Presentations On The You Cover On Your Blog After Creating A Simple 10
20 Pages E-Book Go And Upload it All Platfroms Which Free E-books Such as This One

Don,t Forget Ti Include Your Blog-site Url in The E-boobs as Well as Your profile You
Create over These Site You ll Get Tons of backlinks Quickly You Can Find 5 Top Free-e
Books Service by Doing This Simple Google Search free E-Boobs Submit

Now After E-Boobs One More Easiest Step is To Create PowerPoint Presentations on 
Something  You Know it Might Be Short Or long that Doesn,t Matter But Always Include
Your Site In The Presentation & Also Your Biography on The Website Where You
Presentations And Get Backlinks 

Tip # $ Use Fetch As Google In Urgency 

If You Want to Let The Goolgle Crawler Know About Your Website Faster & to Index Rank it
Quickly Then You can Do it Yourself Straight From The Google Webmaster Tools Account
There Is An Option in Webmaster Tools Called Fetch As Google Which Does a Very 
Smooth job I mean you Can Put the Url Either of Your Home Page or any Single Post in
That Tool Which  Will Be Immediately Crawled & Indexed by Google  


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