Top 10 Php Frameworks in 20016 In Urdu

Top 1 Php Frameworks in 20016 In Urdu 
Most of The Readers Who Are Reading This Post Right Now May Very Well Know This
Php is Simply a Server Side Scripting Languge Which is Used for Creating 
Dynamic And Datebase Driven Websites With Its Current Version 7.0 Which Was
Just Recently Released Php Still Has a Lot to Offer Including The Powerful Object 

Most of The Readers Who Are Reading This Post Right Now May Very Well Know That Php
is Simply a Server Side Scripting Language Which is Used for Creating Dynamic And 
Database Driven Websites With Its Current Version 7.0 Which Was Just Recentily Released
Php Still Has a Lot to Offer Including The Powerful Obect Oriented Programming (OOp  
Method However This Might Not Be Enough Therfore you ll Find Many Php
Feameworks Out There So In This Post i ll Share a list of one Popular Php Feamewors
Which You Can Use to Leverage Your Work Flow  
  1. What's a Framework?
  2. A Framework Which is Built in a Programming Language is Simply Something ThatCan
  3. Be Used And Reused For Smail Medium And Any Scale Of Projects The Framework is
  4. Basically a Set Of Instructions Given In a Programming Language To Do Certain or All
  5. Tasks For a Project Frameworks Can Be Created Using Any Web Programming Languag
  6. Such as Php JavaScript Or PyThon There Also Html 5 And Css3 Frameworks i e
  7. Bootstrap a Frameworks Helps The Developer in Saving a Great Amount Of Time And 
  8. Headache  
Top 5 Php Frameworks in 2016

  1. Php Frameworks Are Very Popular Among The People Who Are Working as Php Web
  2. Developers These Days L ve Received So Many Requests for Php Framworks Training
  3. But Yet not Managed it However L ii Manage To Create Training on Framewors
  4. Very Soon in The Future Now Here L,ii Share The Top 5 Php Frameworks,With You,wh
  5. Are Mostly Used to Create CMS Systems These Days    

#1___La ravel

  1. Laravel is The #1 Frameworks Now a days it s Very Useful in Terms of Testing The Code 
  2. And Interesting Featuress, it ll Save a Huge Amount of time for Developer and Will
  3. Produce Amazing Result Go To   To Check Their Documentation And
  4. Features Laravele Offers Many Features And Advantages But a Few Are listed Below

  1. Restful Routing That Manages All The Clint-Server Routes Easily And Connects Resources 
  2. A lightweight Blade Templating Engine That is Powerfully Driven by Template Inheritance of files Having Blade Php Extenesion This Is Comes Under The View Part of The Robust Mvc Architecture
  3. Composer An Amazing Toll That Lets You Manage Your Application s Third Party Packages Easily
  4. Comes Bundled With Eloquent An ORM The Offer a Beautifully Simple Active Record Implementation To work With Your Databases And is Reatively Faster Than All Others Php Frameworks 
  5. Built-in Unit Testing And Simply Readable Impressive Syntax 
  6. Larger Community Catering To Thousands of Programming Geeks And Application Developers 
  7. Intelligently Designed To Offer Incredible Flexibility to Developers That Help Them Create Each And Everything FormSmall Sites to Giant Enterprize Application
  8. Required  Skills Php And OOp Knwledge Latest Stable Version 4.1 Most Suited for Experts Release Date Apirl 04-04-2016 Licensed Under-Mit      
#3 YII Framework 

  1. This  One Is More Interesting its a Secure fist and Professional Php Framework as Written on their Home Page One Of The Best Thing Among These Frameworks is That you Can Customize The Code According To Your Requirements And Project Needs All Of Thse Frameworks Hve one Thing in Common Which is The MVC Pattern MVC Model View Controller is a Pattern Used For Creating More Organized Web Applications  and Yii Framework is Much More Faster Than other Fameworks Mentioned Here And it s Purely Created Using PhP OOP With The DRY (Don'tRepeat Yourself Concept Go To Their Official Website To  Learn More About it 

  2. #4 Codeigniter
  3. You Might Be Familiar With Codeigniter if You Are a Php Developer or Learning  Php
  4. This is a 10 Year Old Php Framework Firstly Released in 2006 Codeigniter is simply 
  5. Amazing its Lightweight And Very Easy to Use and Learn The Size of The Framework is
  6. Just 2mb and You can Straight Download It From Their official website for free if You
  7. Want  to Save time And Money Then Simply Give a Try to Codeigniter Offcial Website is
  8. Hare 
#5 CakePhp

Cakephp is Also Very Old Php framework But Amazinggly it Still Works The Best Many 
Popular Co,panies Such As Bmw And Honda etc Are Using Its Popular for its top
Notch Security Features Including From Validation SQL Injection Prevention And Xss
Cross-site Scripting Attacks Prevention The Current Version is 3.2 And its Up to Date
Please Go Their official website for Documentation And Guideline on How To Use it


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